Gw baru sadar, udah hampir 1 bulan sejak gw terakhir nge-blog. Mungkin ada yang bertanya-tanya, Ada Apa Dengan Thomas? Diare? Yes, almost a week. Kerja? Yup, masih.
Sebenarnya banyak banget yang ingin gw tulis di blog, tapi waktu ga memungkinkan (or call me lazy). Pengalaman jadi pembicara di Unpar (which is suck, by the way), kos di benhil (not much to say), beli MacBook, beli SLR Canon EOS 400D, sepeda yang rusak, kursus fotografi di Darwis Triadi School of Rock, eh, Photography, dsb dsb.
Anyway, I wrote this short entry just to tell you that I'm still alive :-) In case you want to see some pictures, please follow this link (check some pictures I took during the photography class).