I really don't want to write about this, but I'm at my wit's end and I think it's necessary that I make the statement explicit: I AM NOT A GAY.
Gw ga ngerti kenapa banyak cowok gay yang "salah target" dengan gw. Di tempat dugem, di kolam renang, di Friendster, arrgh! What is wrong with you people???
This is stupid, but I have to write this because more and more gay are sending me invites and "inappropriate" messages. I have no problem having friends with a gay, in fact, I have some friends who are gay.
I respect everybody's "sexual preferences". I don't care if you envy younger or older women, same gender, dogs, cats, whatever. But I only do romance (and sexual activities) with women. REAL women.
Jika kalian cowok normal dan pernah mengirim gw pesan atau e-mail tapi ga gw bales, kemungkinan gw terlalu "parno" dan terlanjur berpikir macam-macam. Untuk itu gw minta maaf :D
Duh ...
ReplyDeleteYang sabar ya,Pak ^^
Mungkin mereka salah nangkep "sinyal" :p
...sgl sesuatu trjd krn hukum"sebab akibat"...mgkin krn anda trlalu"metro"he3...
ReplyDeletehow metro i can be when i'm half naked in swimming pool? and have you checked my profile in Friendster/Facebook? it's just "standard", nothing "provocative" :)
ReplyDeletemengingatkan saya sama tokoh chandler di sitkom "Friends", si cowok hetero yang jadi magnet gay. But hey, selama ga dicolek masih aman ko. peace out!
ReplyDeleteMasalahnya foto lu itu mas, seakan2 di jidat lu ada tulisan G.A.Y-tulen.
ReplyDeleteCoba diganti yang jangan terlalu menggigit.
Tentang kolam renang. Daripada ngeblog dengan deklarasi tentang ketidakgayan anda (yang ga bakal dibaca orang2 itu), gimana kalo anda bikin celana renang dengan tulisan "maap, gua ga homo, harap jangan goda gua, terimakasih".
Lebih efektif de daripada ngeblog.
Elu cowo metrosexual seeh. Hahahaha. Makanya agak dekil dikit gituh.
ReplyDeleteTuh kan bnr? yg blg sampean"metro"g cm aku kan..?mgkin itu klbhan km,selaen cwe,cwo jg banyak yg trtarik,bnr2"multi talent".Trus gmn respon cwe km?
ReplyDeletegw masih jomblo bro :D
ReplyDelete...makanya cptan gandeng cwe,spa tau dg bgtu pandangan"mereka"jd laen..?
ReplyDeleteblom tentu juga si klo udh gandeng ce bs diblg "straight"
ReplyDeleteaura lu kebaca kale bro....
piss bro....
hi ganteng.... nama gw andy, boleh kenalan gak?
ReplyDeleteHalo, gw rudy. jangan takut dong owm, eke gak gigit koq. Mari mari sini....
ReplyDeletewakaka... siyalan lo guys..
ReplyDeletejangan salah guyss..
ini orang mah aselinya dekhil..
itu poto pas dia ngantor aja jadi keliatan gay.. hahaha!!!
kalo yang di kolam renang tom, lu ga sengaja "kecuci" sama aer kolam renang, jadi keliatan bersih.. makanya ada yang naksir.. hahahaha!!
puas gw..
Hahaha... you must be still in denial stage. Later after you came out, you can announce in this blog cause, i bet many people are dying to hear more about you and your 'fan'
ReplyDelete@Anonymous wakaka, this is a statement, not denial. i love chicks now and forever :)
ReplyDeleteTenang aja bro, gw jg sering, malah ada yg berani minta kenalan segala, minta no hp, ketika dia telpon gw malah gw kotbahin, supaya bertobat!!!! jadi dia takut....hahahhaha...
ReplyDeletePerhaps those gays chasing you had mistakenly detected their signal:-P...( Gay is said 2 hv a 'gay radar'... )
ReplyDeleteLOL... ahahhaa.. ade cuma bisa ketawa n cengar cengir aja baca tulisan ini :p