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Last borrowing
3 Maret 2005Today, as usual, is started with me wake up late :-) I woke up at 9 and rushed for breakfast (last night's roasted chicken, yummy!). I was going to do some workouts, but my job (my freelance job) demanded more attention, so I went with the "first thing first" 'philosophy' (BTW, Steven Covey would say that workout is more important, it is in the quadrant II. But, hey, the job was killing me!).
Done with the job (actually, it hadn't done yet, but the hell with that), I decided to do the work out. Ahh, working out… good for the muscles. Anyway, just a couple of minutes starting up, while doing sit-ups, pap came into my room and asked me to deal with some Telkom guys just outside. The fax line really got a problem, that's why we asked Telkom to check things down here.
I was not feeling OK with my pap' request (I was working out!), but pap was not well, so I 'voluntarily' went outside to meet the folks. One of them asked, "What's the problem kid?" And you know what, I had no idea! I went back inside, and asked pap in his room about that. Well, guess what, pap went outside and did things his own (and rendered my 'effort' useless ^_^). Hey, if I had known the problem, I would have done it my self! Ironic it was, but every body close enough to me know how ignorant I am with my surroundings. This attitude must change.
Finished with working out, bathing, and eating, I went to the office. This is Monday, but it was 1 o' clock, so traffic is not a problem. At the office, I submitted my progress. Not bad, I didn't get irritated. FYI, I work as a freelance Multimedia Author (or Designer, whatever the name is) in ElexDigital, multimedia division of Elex Media Komputindo (Gramedia).
Last Friday I was irritated a lot (yup, it's me, always at the heart of problem): it had been 4 months since project initiation, but I hadn't done any significant progress (this should had been a one month project). Anyway, it's not that I'm lazy, but with my super-tight schedule (and
why is that?), I was unable to work consistent and allocate time for the project. Darn, it's the first series of eight. 7 more to go (and they haven't even started!).
To be honest, I was really not comfortable. The manager is my relative, so things looked like I was protecting my laziness behind the manager's power. I am not like that! One self speaks louder than one's voice. I got to prove my definition.
Anyway, back to the main story, Febbie, my supervisor, behaved much softer than last day. Why? Was she realized that she was too hard to me? Or was it my progress made her happy? I didn't know, I didn't care, the important was things went fine.
Lastly, I went to Binus. Darn, highly trafficked. I thought it must be in the junction next to Binus (I was right). I sent an sms to Dimas, a new friend I met in
omprengan a couple of days ago, just to ask why he hadn't sent me email (sending it was the only way to get his email address). I decided to continue my way on foot, so I jumped out
angkot .
At Binus, I took a wash for my face (as usual, I always clean my face after I go outside, especially when it's hot and dusty. but don't worry, I don't straightly pour water to my face when it's 'not stable'—sweating and just had direct and prolonged hit from sunray, people said it's not good), and proceeded to library. In there I met Teguh and his thesis team.
They worked on their thesis this semester (8th). They will be using ASP (Microsoft's server-side scripting language), and they hosted on Bank Indonesia (wow, they were lucky! But I didn't ask how they got such channel). We had talks, and one of my 'advice' is the usage of iterative and incremental method. Surprisingly enough, they knew.
Why was I surprised? Because in Binus they teach you the Waterfall conventional method, and I was quite sure that not much Binusian know about that quite new method I suggested (even I knew it by accident, from a book on OOA/D while I was working on my thesis last semester). It figured out that they figured the things from BI. Interesting.
I was eager to do more talks (I like discussions, interactions with people, showing empathy), but time was running quick. I had to go home immediately (it's getting noon! it's about time for people to go out of their office and go home!), so I rushed to find a book, any interesting book.
I picked a book titled
Introduction to Information Systems (James A. O'Brien), just curious to know how business can benefit from IT (why? because the 'fund raiser' for IT is the business world. Ignorance to the fact will commit me lifetime programmer—lowest in IT 'caste'). When I took the book to borrow, the man behind desk said that I couldn't borrow the book. The computerized system notified that I had graduated, so I couldn't borrow any book.
Interesting, even I didn't realize that I graduated already (I haven't submitted my hard-covered thesis)! Luckily, a lady with authority was kind enough to allow me borrow the book. Just once, and it was my last book. So melancholic. Anyway, it irritated me, because I like to read (any book), and there's a lot of good (at least, to my interest) books in the library. It was okay; I can still read it in the library.
Having from the 3rd floor (library), I decided to take some food in the food court to fill my starved stomach. After that, I went straight home, only to find the street highly congested (it was out-of-office time). Just why was it so coincidental? That's all for today; I 'enjoyed' my rather frustrating routine life (such as, standing in the bus full of people—like a canned sardine).